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Digital Transformation Society

DTS Feature Conference

[Digital Citizenship, Re:Road] is the first feature conference held by the Digital Transformation Society(DTS), where digital media companies and universities seek reflection and coexistence, provide better technology and content, and support healthy enjoyment of users.

Sept. 15th

[My digital media education story]

Digital literacy for all
Colorful perspectives of users, mediators,and producers.
Vivid voices of students, parents, journalists, teachers, and the youth.

[나의 디지털 미디어 교육 이야기]
모두를 위한 디지털 리터러시
이용자, 중재자, 생산자의 다채로운 시선
학생, 부모, 기자, 교사, 청년들의 생생한 목소리

Sept. 16th

[Digital Civility, Re:Road]

Finding new road to:
The safe and inclusive digital community,
New civility, Innovative media education!

[Digital Civility, Re: Road]
안전하고 포용적인 디지털 커뮤니티,
새로운 시민성, 혁신적인 미디어 교육!
성찰과 공유의 장

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